The article describes the problems and proposals regarding the state regulation of the development of farms in the conditions of martial law, as well as the prospects and challenges of the production of biofuels by farmers. It was determined that the war in Ukraine had a negative impact on the agricultural sector, therefore state regulation of the development of farms in the conditions of martial law is of particular importance. It was determined that the existing system of state regulation of the development of farms does not fully meet the needs of wartime. It is necessary to develop new approaches and mechanisms of state support for farmers, which would take into account the specifics of the current conditions. It was established that the existing regulatory system does not fully meet the needs of wartime. The article describes the benefits of biofuel production by farmers, such as additional income, environmental friendliness, energy independence, waste disposal and job creation. The proposed measures to improve state support for farming are focused on improving financial support, providing subsidies, compensating the cost of capital goods purchased for organic production and simplifying the export of products, which will give farmers the opportunity to improve the condition of farms under martial law. The study of the problems of state regulation of the development of farms in the conditions of martial law is relevant and important for ensuring food security of Ukraine. The results of the study can be used to develop practical recommendations for state authorities and farms aimed at supporting farmers, stimulating their production and ensuring the country's food security. In general, the proposed measures of state support for farming in the conditions of martial law should contribute to: strengthening food security of Ukraine; development of the agricultural sector; creation of jobs in rural areas; improving the economic situation in the country. The determined measures for the development of state support for farming will make it possible to increase the volume of production of agricultural products, which will help ensure food security of Ukraine and reduce dependence on imports.
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