The need to develop and implement an effective resource management system for biogas and digestate production projects has been identified. The need to develop and implement an effective resource management system for biogas and digestate production projects has been proven. This system should: provide accurate information about resource needs and their availability; allow effective planning and control of resource use; ensure coordination between various project participants; promote sustainable use of resources. It has been established that the production of biogas in modern conditions requires research into the necessary resource provision, which will make it possible to partially ensure the energy and food security of the state. It was determined that surface application of digestate is not advisable due to the high cost of transportation and the need to use large containers. The use of injection injection systems in combination with hose transportation using diesel pumping stations with their adaptation to the use of biodiesel as fuel will make it possible to reduce fertilizer transportation costs. Also, the use of an injection system will ensure a more efficient distribution of the liquid fraction in the soil, and the use of flexible active harrows with loosening teeth will improve the assimilation of organic matter. Excluding the digestate drying process from the technological cycle will make it possible to reduce the cost of biogas production. For the effective use of the relevant resources for the production of biogas and digestate, it is necessary to follow the relevant principles of planning and control, optimization of the use of relevant waste of organic origin. The article describes the resource management algorithm for biogas and digestate production projects. Implementation of an efficient algorithm can help biogas and digestate production projects achieve their goals, increase profitability and contribute to the development of sustainable energy and agriculture. It was determined that the implementation of an effective resource management algorithm can help biogas and digestate production projects achieve their goals, increase profitability, and contribute to the development of sustainable energy and agriculture.
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