Keywords: apple market, apple processing products, apple processing products market, economic aspects of apple processing products market, apple processing products market in Ukraine


The article analyzes the economic aspects of apple processing in Ukraine, focusing on the key factors affecting the profitability and competitiveness of enterprises in this field. The author considers the cost of raw apples as the main economic factor that depends on yield, climate and market demand. The high efficiency of processing technologies, including automation and optimization of the supply chain, is another important aspect aimed at reducing costs and improving product quality. The labor cost factor and the impact of effective use of labor on the competitiveness of enterprises are considered. The marketing aspect is also considered, where success depends on effective marketing strategies and demand for apple products. Further analysis focuses on the export and domestic market for apple products, where export opportunity and competition determine sales volumes. The importance of innovation in creating added value and expanding market demand is highlighted, as well as environmental aspects that can give companies competitive advantages through compliance with environmental standards and sustainable development. The problems of researching the effectiveness of apple processing in Ukraine are various challenges, in particular technological limitations, instability of the quality of raw materials, high economic costs, social and environmental aspects, as well as competition on the market. These problems require a comprehensive analysis to find optimal solutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of technologies, improving product quality, reducing costs, maintaining social and environmental standards, and strengthening the competitiveness of Ukrainian producers of apple products. The article helps to understand the economic context of apple processing in Ukraine and defines the leading aspects that should be taken into account to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises in this field.


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How to Cite
Luzhanskyi , V. (2024). ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF APPLE PROCESSING IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (62).