The article substantiates the importance and prospects of digital marketing as an effective tool for the hotel business. The necessity of rethinking the current business models by the hotel business enterprises is argued in view of the possibilities of digital marketing as an effective tool for their development. The advantages of digital marketing, which is focused on increasing customer orientation, strengthening the emotional connection with the client of the hotel business, are identified. In order to use the opportunities of digitalization in the hotel business, key transformations of the customer experience have been identified, which state the fact of changes in the consumer perception of the basic facets of the hotel business. It is determined that Digital-marketing forms the tools of communication with the consumer, provides omnichannel sales, allows to study the online audience, its demographic, geographical, behavioral and stylistic components, through targeting procedures to attract target audiences and hotel staff to digital communication with guests. to interact with guests after they leave the hotel, simplifies other marketing decisions. The complex of advantages of digital transformation of models of enterprises of hotel business is formed. Digital marketing (digital or interactive marketing) is the use of all possible forms of digital channels to promote a brand. It has been proven that Digital marketing is closely intertwined with such an area as the digital market for the hotel business. However, digital marketing for hotels is becoming increasingly complex. Hotel managers must now not only provide the usual service, but also compete for guests in the new channels and digital technologies that appear every day. Therefore, the hotel Digital-marketing should become a set of multidirectional components, such as: in-depth study of the online audience, the behavioral component; involvement of all possible segments of the audience; digital communication of hotel employees with the guest; organization of interaction with the client after eviction. To do this, the marketing department of the hotel involves the use of a large number of digital channels and tools.
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