Keywords: Human capital, Migration, War, Working time, Remote work


The purpose of the article is to evaluate the published data on population losses, its impact on changes in human capital, and to identify new factors in the formation of human capital of enterprises in our country. Design/methodology/approach – The following methods are used in the article for the study of value-oriented factors of the formation of human capital of the enterprise in modern conditions: analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy, comparison, systematization, graphic methods of data display. Findings - With the beginning of the war of aggression, a significant number of the country's enterprises faced a number of problems, the main of which was the loss of human capital. Our state suffered and still suffers significant infrastructural and human damage and is forced to adapt to new conditions of existence with each new day. As part of our research, it was found that the population of Ukraine has been rapidly decreasing for many years. But in modern realities, these losses are more significant and difficult to restore. Human capital is the basis of the formation of a successful and developed state. Our citizens stand out among others for their intelligence, creativity and diligence, ability to quickly learn and adapt to new living conditions. However, a significant number of the population left the state, businesses and enterprises lost employees and the opportunity to earn a profit, which is reflected in the economic situation. An outflow of human capital has begun, which must be returned after the end of the war. Having familiarized ourselves with a number of literary sources, statistical indicators, data and surveys of international organizations, we found that enterprises partially changed the system of human capital formation. The majority of enterprises are primarily interested in providing their employees with safe working conditions and providing support and assistance, making adjustments to the work schedule, making it more flexible, providing the opportunity to work remotely, some enterprises have introduced staff support programs, both financial and psychological. On the other hand, in most enterprises, training programs have been shortened or the opportunity to train employees has been lost altogether. Practical implications - Prospects for further research are the implementation of programs for the return, attraction, maintenance and development of human capital at state enterprises. Undoubtedly, such measures should take place with the assistance of state support, which requires the introduction of reforms in the social, financial and educational spheres. The labor legislation also needs changes. Further research in these areas will allow to preserve Ukrainian business and contribute to the return of the population back. Citizens feeling supported both by enterprises and by the state will feel socially and financially protected, which will contribute to their productivity, preserve and strengthen the country's human capital. Originality/value – In modern realities, the preservation of human capital and its restoration are one of the primary tasks of the state for the preservation of the economy and post-war reconstruction. Instead, there is an insignificant amount of research in this direction, due to the lack of time and opportunities to process and obtain data, in connection with active hostilities on the territory of the state.


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How to Cite
Hoichuk, V., & Lyubomudrova, N. (2024). FACTORS OF HUMAN CAPITAL FORMATION OF ENTERPRISES IN CONDITIONS OF INSTABILITY. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-127