The article is devoted to the topical issue of coverage of the work of a state-owned research institution under martial law in Ukraine. Based on the analysis of primary accounting documentation and financial statements, the authors provide some data on the specifics of the scientific and economic activities of the Pipe Industry Research Institute based on the results of work in 2023. It is shown that despite the difficult economic situation in the conditions of an unfavorable external environment, the enterprise finds opportunities for survival and forecasting the conditions of further development. The main factor of further sustainable development is a stable production culture within the organization. In order to determine its components, the article analyzes the results of a survey of employees of a scientific institution in 2023 compared to the same period in 2021, that is, before the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine. The fact of greater consolidation of the workforce around the goals of the main activity under the conditions of martial law in Ukraine has been proven. The work of the research institute in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine highlighted another problem: the inefficiency of the existing system of property management of state-owned enterprises. In particular, this is manifested by the lack of profit if state property is rented out. Moreover, commercial structures have limited access to participate in a similar procedure for establishing relations with the state. The problem has a significant scale, because in the conditions of a full-scale war, any funds that come to the revenue part of the State Budget are directed, first of all, to strengthening the military capabilities of the state. In general, the further development of the state-owned research institution in the near future has clear prospects and is aimed at overcoming existing problems by finding mutually acceptable management solutions. This is the key to creating a foundation for the successful work of a scientific institute in post-war Ukraine.
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