Keywords: strategy, planning, scaling, integration, diversification


The article is devoted to the issues of business scaling in crisis conditions. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in the unstable economic conditions of the world economy, in particular, the domestic economy, entrepreneurial potential, the success of its development, multiplication, and scaling are of great importance. The following research methods were used in the study: synthesis, analysis, morphological method. A review of literature sources on the problem of business scaling in crisis economic conditions, the formation of types of business scaling strategies by enterprises was carried out. The views of theoretical and applied content on this problem of scaling and its strategic importance are analyzed and evaluated. The article considers the strategic aspect of business scaling, types of scaling strategies and factors that influence the processes of their formation and implementation. The essence of enterprise scale and business scaling is defined. It is noted that scaling is a multi-step long-term process that requires detailed preparation. Business scaling differs significantly for each individual enterprise, organization, conditions of its implementation, amount of resources, potential, etc. The advantages and disadvantages of the main business scaling strategies (intensive, integration, diversification strategies) under market conditions are systematized and characterized. The paper characterizes the key factors that influence the processes of formation of business scaling strategies by enterprises in crisis conditions. These key factors distinguish business scaling strategies. This is done according to the following criteria: by volume, method (mode), scaling unit, its dynamism and value logic of scaling coverage. The article is of practical importance for managers of enterprises and organizations planning to scale up their activities in the future. In particular, it is noted that the scaling process should have a clear, consistent, defined place in the life cycle of their enterprises, since its violation or untimely implementation may lead to a number of negative consequences.


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