International logistics plays a key role in the development of the state's economy, ensuring the efficient flow of goods across international borders. It helps to increase foreign trade, expand export opportunities, and increase competitiveness in the world market. Due to the optimization of logistics processes, the costs of transportation and storage of goods are reduced, which contributes to the growth of production efficiency and supports the stability of the economy. The purpose of the article is to analyze the factors, issues, and prospects of the organization of international logistics in Ukraine in terms of the russian-ukrainian war. The article examines the peculiarities of the organization of logistics operations in Ukraine at the current stage of development, and analyzes the changes in this field in terms of a full-scale military invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine. The processes of organization of export and import of transport services in the period before the full-scale invasion and the first year of the full-scale invasion are provided in details. The key features of the organization of international logistics in Ukraine during the war are highlighted. It was emphasized that international logistics play a key role in ensuring the effective functioning of the state's economy. They encompass the integrated management of material, product, information, and financial flows at a global level. It was determined that the war harmed the export and import of transport services in Ukraine. Disruption of logistics chains, transport infrastructure damage, and airspace closure caused a sharp reduction in transport volumes. At the same time, military actions made access to sea ports difficult, significantly reducing our state's export capabilities. Besides, additional costs for logistics and cargo insurance led to an increased price of transport services for both exporters and importers. The industry restoration requires significant investment and international support, and above all, the end of the war in Ukraine.
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