The article is devoted to topical issues of the impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior in e-commerce. Digital marketing affects e-commerce consumers in many ways. In particular, it helps to improve the connection between the brand and the consumer through a personalized approach, analyzing user behavior and providing convenience in the process of purchasing goods or services. Also, digital marketing helps to increase brand awareness, increase conversion and increase sales through advertising campaigns on the Internet. Successful trading platforms actively use digital tools to attract customers and increase their loyalty. It is noted that the main trends in changing consumer behavior are the growth of opportunities and willingness to purchase goods and services online. Digital marketing, in addition to these aspects, also changes the way consumers perceive information about goods and services. With a variety of digital channels such as social media, search engines, websites and mobile apps, consumers have more opportunities to obtain information and compare products before purchasing. It is also important to note that digital marketing allows brands to collect and analyze large amounts of consumer data. This allows you to more accurately adjust marketing strategies aimed at specific audience segments, ensuring greater efficiency and effectiveness of advertising campaigns. With the help of digital marketing, consumers become more informed and independent in the process of making purchasing decisions. They actively use various digital channels to obtain information about goods and services, compare prices, reviews and ratings, which allows them to make a more informed choice. In addition, the collection and analysis of consumer data allows brands to personalize their marketing communications and offers, making them more relevant to each individual customer. This may include individual offers, product recommendations, or personalized advertising messages. Finally, with increased interaction between brands and consumers at all stages of the purchase process, consumers become more engaged and dependent on the brand, which can lead to increased loyalty and more frequent repeat purchases.
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