The article is devoted to the study of broad aspects of the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in modern advertising. Various actual cases of automation and optimization of advertising, as well as creation of effective marketing strategies with the help of neural networks, were studied. Analysis of big data on user behavior (AI marketing) allows predicting their needs and preferences to create more personalized products and increase sales efficiency. Automation of media placement facilitates the management of advertising campaigns without using the services of marketing agencies. Ways to implement personalization to improve customer experience are considered. The algorithm of customer data analysis using AI was studied: consumer data collection, data analysis and interpretation, segmentation and targeting, creation of personalized advertising, delivery and engagement, feedback loop. Methods of creating adapted content for the target audience using AI are considered. The performance indicators of the use of personalized advertising are characterized: click-through rate (CTR), conversion rates, customer acquisition costs (CAC), customer lifetime value, return on investment (ROI), A/B testing, chatbots and virtual assistants. Ways to improve customer engagement with AI-generated content were explored: personalized recommendations, dynamic content creation, interaction in social networks. The trends of the future development of personalized advertising and interaction between the enterprise and customers are considered. Dialogue commerce based on AI creates the possibility of hyper-personalization, i.e. accounting of all changes in user behavior in real time. Intelligent search algorithms provide the most relevant results, providing automatic selection of what is sought, and taking into account the intonation and emotional context of the request. As a result of the research, we can conclude that there is a strong correlation between the use of artificial intelligence technologies in advertising and, on the other hand, higher business indicators.
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