The relevance of the research lies in the fact that modern economic systems face a number of challenges, among which climate change and the rapid development of digital technologies can be highlighted. At the same time, the double digital and green transition reflects the need for simultaneous adaptation of the economic system to these challenges, aimed at the formation of a sustainable economy. Accordingly, understanding the relationship between digital innovation and green technologies is critical to developing strategies aimed at achieving a sustainable economic system that will ensure economic growth, social justice and environmental balance. The purpose of the article is to research modern strategies and possibilities of a double digital and green transition as key components of the formation of a sustainable economic system in the context of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy of Ukraine and the formation of new opportunities for the development of society. Various methods aimed at a comprehensive analysis of the dual digital and green transition were used for the research. First of all, an analysis of scientific literature was carried out, which made it possible to understand the current state of research in this field and to identify key trends. In addition, quantitative methods such as statistical data analysis and modeling were used to examine the impact of the double transition on various aspects of the economy. For additional understanding of the social and ecological aspects of the study, the method of analysis and synthesis was used to determine transformational trends in the fields of economics, ecology, and information technology. Practical examples of successful implementation of similar strategies in different countries were studied using the method of comparison. The obtained results confirm the significant potential of the dual digital and green transition for sustainable economic development. It was found that the integration of digital innovations and green practices contributes to the efficient use of resources, the reduction of carbon emissions and the general increase in the competitiveness of the economy. The practical value of the article lies in the fact that it provides specific recommendations for the development of dual transition strategies at the level of state policy and corporate governance, contributing to the further development of a sustainable economy taking into account the requirements of modernity.
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