Keywords: features, system, factors, management, competitiveness, life insurance companies


The relevance of the topic of the article is determined by the fact that the insurance market in Ukraine today is in a very difficult situation, due to both military aggression on the part of Russia and the mistrust of citizens to this type of services. The article defines the features of the system of management of the competitiveness of life insurance companies. It was noted that life insurance today is the kind of insurance that gives confidence about own safety of life and social guarantees, which are necessary for all citizens of our country without exception, taking into account the European integration processes in Ukraine. It is noted that for insurance companies an effective competitiveness management system involves the use of all available opportunities for providing insurance services, which will allow potential insurers to gain priority over the services of competitors, which satisfy demand and will work on the insurance market, ensuring long-term successful operation of the company. The competitiveness management system of CSG depends on many factors that affect the quality of life of society and business. It was noted that the position of life insurance companies in the national rating is determined by the relevant factors of influence, which make up the pyramid of competitiveness of CSG. It was noted that the organizational support of the management of the competitiveness of insurance companies has a huge impact on the state of insurance development in the country and its regions, but, as the practice and current conditions show, the institutional component that regulates all processes for the implementation of insurance activities is very important. It was concluded that the features of the management system of the competitiveness of the insurance company consist in taking into account the factors of influence on the activities of the entities of insurance activity, which make up the pyramid of competitive life insurance companies and high-quality organizational support, which aims to optimize all management processes for the development of life insurance in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Kondratenko, N., Rudachenko, O., & Troian , V. (2024). DEFINITION OF THE SPECIAL SYSTEM OF COMPETITIVITY MANAGEMENT OF LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANYS. Economy and Society, (61).