This article presents the importance of using digital technologies in personnel administration and record keeping. The main structural units involved in personnel administration are defined (personnel department, department of personnel or personnel management, HR department or personnel service, which is entrusted with the relevant functions). Subjects (employees, officials and organizational structures) and objects (personnel) of personnel administration are considered. The main principles of personnel administration are presented: matching the professional and qualitative level of the company's personnel and management of the labor productivity of the personnel based on: analysis of the need for personnel; determination of personnel requirements, determination of recruitment and selection problems; determination of the main sources of income of candidates; development and selection of recruitment methods. It was found that the use of digital technologies helps to optimize personnel administration by: reducing documentation in paper form; use of "smart" applications; automation of routine HR processes; Recruiting through social networks; virtual reality (VR) for training; gamification at work; studying the needs of employees; continuous education; digital platforms; digital culture. It was determined that the implementation of digital technologies in personnel administration makes it possible to effectively manage personnel. Considerable attention is paid to the digitization of personnel management, as it is the basis of personnel administration. The main aspects of digitization of personnel management are highlighted, namely: electronic personnel management systems; automated processing of personnel issues; optimization of the hiring process; staff training and development; remote work; performance monitoring; challenges and obstacles in the implementation of digital technologies.
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