The article examines innovative approaches in the management of hotel and restaurant services, emphasizing environmental initiatives and social responsibility as key elements of sustainable development. The authors analyze in detail how the changing demands of the modern consumer and global environmental challenges affect management strategies in this field. Special attention is paid to the implementation of "green" technologies, such as energy-saving systems, waste management, the use of renewable energy sources and other environmental practices, which not only reduce the negative impact on the environment, but also lead to cost optimization. Corporate social responsibility is considered an important part of modern business strategy. The article analyzes how hotels and restaurants implement programs to support local communities, investments in sustainable development and environmental education of employees and customers. Such initiatives not only increase social responsibility and the positive image of companies, but also contribute to strengthening the trust and loyalty of customers. Finally, the authors emphasize the need to integrate environmental initiatives and social responsibility into the overall management strategy of the hotel and restaurant business. This approach allows not only to meet modern challenges and expectations of consumers, but also opens up new opportunities for growth and development. Innovative technologies and green initiatives, along with an emphasis on social responsibility, determine future success in the hospitality industry. These practices not only contribute to reducing the impact on the environment, but also create a positive image of companies, increasing their attractiveness to environmentally conscious consumers. The authors point to examples of successful application of these strategies in the hotel and restaurant business, where companies have already shown a significant reduction in energy consumption, water consumption and waste production thanks to the implementation of innovative technologies. At the same time, companies actively work to create a favorable social climate, investing in local communities and providing ethical working conditions for their employees.
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