Keywords: hotel industry, hotel services, management, service quality


The hospitality industry worldwide demonstrates rapid development. One of the key directions is the formation and development of modern infrastructure, primarily in the accommodation sector according to international standards. Hotel management is the largest component of the tourism industry. Hotel enterprises face challenges in increasing management efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness of this type of service in both national and international markets. In the article, the analysis of fundamental research and scientific works on the theory and practice of the hotel industry of the country has been conducted; however, practical recommendations are practically absent. Accordingly, the purpose of the research is to analyze hotel services and the quality of service of a particular hotel to provide practical recommendations. The research methodology is based on assessing the criteria for service quality in hotels: the comprehensiveness of the service, the quality of the service, the quality of staff work, and the quality of the material and technical base. An analysis of statistical data on indicators such as the distribution of hotels by regions and the structure of the room stock has been carried out. The main indicators of the hotel's activities have been analyzed, and the level of service quality has been determined.The research has been conducted on the main competitors of the hotel. This analysis has enabled the identification of the hotel's strengths and weaknesses, providing recommendations and determining key measures to improve service quality: increasing the qualification of staff responsible for customer service; implementing the use of a mobile application or chatbot for effective communication with guests; introducing personalization for regular clients. As additional services, nanny services should be added. Equip a hypoallergenic room: hypoallergenic bedding, hypoallergenic pillows and blankets, hypoallergenic carpets, cleaning with odorless safe products. In the marketing environment, the "Bossfor" hotel should take active steps to strengthen its position in the market by increasing the share of repeat customers, diversifying products, and introducing new services to the market.


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How to Cite
Oliinyk , V., Dyshantiuk, Y., & Vlasiuk, K. (2024). OPTIMIZATION OF THE QUALITY OF HOTEL SERVICES AT THE «BOSSFOR» HOTEL, ODESA. Economy and Society, (60). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-60-112