In today's world, travel blogging has a significant impact on the development of the tourism business through the use of web platforms to create and distribute content. It plays an important role in facilitating interaction between travel services and potential customers, as well as in displaying various aspects of travel and travel services. An analysis of recent research and publications shows that travel blogging has become an effective tool for promoting various tourist destinations and drawing attention to unique tourist opportunities. In the wake of the full-scale invasion, travel bloggers began to actively talk about safe tourist routes, the condition of roads and hotels, and recommend safe areas for recreation. Their publications have also become an important source of information about cultural events and festivals, which helps to attract the attention of tourists. Changes in the travel industry caused by martial law and other events make travel blogging very important for providing up-to-date and useful information about new travel services and opportunities. Thanks to their ability to monetize, travel bloggers are attracting the attention of brands and companies looking for ways to work with them to promote their products and services in the travel industry. The difference in approaches between bloggers and journalists allows travel bloggers to create unique and personalized content that attracts the attention and interest of the audience. To summarize, travel blogging is an important factor in the development of the tourism business, helping to attract customers, promote tourist destinations and increase interest in travel. It is emphasized that the popularity of travel blogs, especially those about different regions of Ukraine, indicates a great interest of viewers in travel and tourism. In the context of military conflicts and other negative situations in the country, travel bloggers play an important role in providing useful information about safe routes and tourist services. It is stated that travel blogging is becoming an important tool in promoting tourist destinations and services, and its innovativeness lies in the ability to adapt to modern trends and use the latest technologies to attract the attention of the audience.
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