The article is devoted to the assessment of the supply and demand balance on the market of apples and their processing products in Ukraine. Apples and their processing products in Ukraine are an indispensable component of the agricultural sector, playing a leading role in guaranteeing food security and promoting healthy nutrition of the population. The market of apples and their processing products is influenced by various factors that lead to an imbalance between supply and demand. Seasonal production fluctuations, external influences, changes in consumer preferences, market competition and regulatory restrictions - all these aspects form a complex and dynamic market situation. Based on various indicators, an analysis of the balance of demand and supply of apples in Ukraine during the period from 2016 to 2023 was carried out, which made it possible to determine how the total number of apples available on the market changed in comparison with the demand for them. Taking into account these various indicators, a complete and objective picture of the supply and demand balance on the apple market in Ukraine was created for each season in the considered period. The production of apples in Ukraine in the period from 2016 to 2022 and the area under apple orchards in Ukraine were determined based on official statistical data. These data contain information on the production of apples in Ukraine and the amount of areas designated for apple orchards, which is calculated on the basis of the assessment and registration of agricultural plots and harvests. An analysis of the balance of supply and demand in the market of apples and their processing products in Ukraine was conducted, which included a thorough study of various aspects of this issue in order to gain a deep understanding of the factors that affect this market. As part of the study, the balance of demand and supply on the market of apples and their processing products in Ukraine was carefully analyzed. This assessment includes an analysis of various aspects such as apple production, orchard area, crop quality level, import and export volumes, domestic market consumption, storage and processing losses, as well as changes in conditions and external environmental factors such as war situation and economic fluctuations.
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