Keywords: strategy, planning, effectiveness, committee, monitoring, evaluation


The peculiarities of the organization of the process of forming the company's marketing strategy on a planned basis as a process of management activity are researched in the article. The purpose of this study is to detail and specify the methodology of implementing the organizational process in the formation of the marketing strategy of the enterprise based on foreign experience. It was determined that the formation of the marketing strategy should be carried out by the executors on a planned basis. That is, it is proposed to develop and implement a marketing strategy formation plan. Therefore, the chosen topic is relevant in today's conditions. After all, the methods of marketing strategy formation proposed by domestic scientists are limited to recommendations regarding the structure of the content of the marketing strategy. The proposed approach to the formation of the enterprise's marketing strategy involves: definition of performers; development of a work plan for strategy formation; drawing up calendar schedules of works. The study suggests the creation of planning committees, which should involve: customers, representatives of interested organizations and experts in the field of marketing planning. The study offers scientifically based approaches to the formation of monitoring procedures, definition of criteria and procedures for the final assessment of the effectiveness of the strategy and reporting. Emphasis is placed on the fact that marketing planning should have a cyclical nature, that is, the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the previous marketing strategy should be the basis for the formation of the company's marketing strategy for the next planning period. The study also notes that depending on the specifics of the company's activity, it may be appropriate to involve volunteers in the process of forming a marketing strategy. The practical value of the conducted research lies in the fact that the approach to the formation of a marketing strategy proposed in the article saves the company's time and resources, allows to more effectively organize the process of its formation and, ultimately, improves the quality and effectiveness of the formed strategy. The positive effect of the practical application of the proposed methodology is especially important for enterprises in modern conditions of martial law, uncertainty and variability of the market environment.


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