Keywords: condo-hotel, apart-hotel, guest apartment, hotel operator (management company), developer, investments, private investors


The article is devoted to topical issues related to the emergence and active spread of condo-hotels as a new format of hotel business in Ukraine. It was found that despite the full-scale invasion of Russian troops on the territory of our country, domestic tourism is becoming popular in Ukraine – especially in the western regions, which are safer for living. It was revealed that the restriction on the departure of men abroad has led to the fact that many families can rest in full only in Ukraine. It has been established that there is now a significant consumer demand for living in premises equipped with kitchens and other amenities. It is noted that under such conditions, developers are increasingly paying attention to the construction of new condominium-type apart-hotels due to the attraction of funds from private investors. The regulatory and legal documents of Ukraine regarding the definition of the terms «apart-hotel» and «guest apartment» have been analyzed. Their similarities and differences according to individual criteria are revealed. It is noted that the condo-hotel can be considered a separate format of the apart-hotel. Features of condo-hotels are established depending on the methods of construction, investment, profit, ownership of real estate, management of this means of accommodation, etc. Probable forms of partnership between the developer and the hotel operator in the creation of condo-hotels are considered. Information on the attractiveness of investing in the development of condo-hotels in Ukraine is systematized using specific examples. The main indicators of the investment activity of condo-hotels were identified (planned profitability, average annual occupancy, payback period, projected capitalization, dividend payment schedule, cost of 1 m2 room, income distribution between private investors and the management company, ratio of service infrastructure and apartment rooms, etc.) and determined their range. It is emphasized that a real investment boom is observed in the Bukovel ski resort. There are investment proposals for the construction of condo-hotels in Transcarpathia, Odesa, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Ternopil, Lutsk. The main advantages and probable risks associated with the activity of condo-hotels are established and formulated – for tourists, private investors, developers, hotel operators and tourist destinations. It is emphasized that the market of condo-hotels in Ukraine is just being formed, therefore all its participants need to carefully study each other for successful further work, obtaining profits and developing their own business.


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How to Cite
Galasyuk, S. (2024). CONDO-HOTEL AS A NEW FORMAT OF HOTEL BUSINESS IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (60).