Keywords: anti-corruption infrastructure, armed conflict, recommendations, anti-corruption policies, societal challenges, strategies, methods


This article delves into the critical importance of global cooperation and civic engagement in the ongoing development of anti-corruption infrastructure. It systematically explores the intricate relationship between armed conflict and corruption, identifying key challenges associated with corruption during times of war. Moreover, the article provides insightful recommendations for enhancing anti-corruption policies, particularly within the context of modern societal challenges. The primary objective of this article is to encourage the formulation of specific strategies and methods aimed at the effective advancement of anti-corruption infrastructure within a nation. Acknowledging the unique complexities posed by armed conflict and its profound impact on society, active consideration of opportunities within the global community is paramount. Additionally, harnessing the catalytic potential of public participation is crucial for instigating positive transformations in the realm of anti-corruption initiatives, especially amidst the adversities of wartime conditions. This comprehensive examination underscores the necessity of a multifaceted approach, where international collaboration, citizen involvement, and strategic policy improvements converge to create a robust anti-corruption framework. In doing so, the article strives to contribute meaningfully to the discourse on combating corruption, providing a roadmap for effective measures within the complex tapestry of contemporary global challenges. The article also highlights the role of international cooperation in the context of anti-corruption measures and emphasizes the importance of active participation of citizens in the process of ensuring transparency and accountability. By complementing theoretical concepts with examples of practical implementation, the article creates a comprehensive image of effective strategies for overcoming the problem of corruption, making it a valuable source of information for economists, politicians and citizens interested in improving society and governance.


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How to Cite
Samoday, V., Bakuta, R., & Kyzym , V. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF ANTI-CORRUPTION INFRASTRUCTURE. Economy and Society, (60).