Keywords: logistics infrastructure, logistics principles, modern problems, transport infrastructure, chain management, problem, expenses


The relevance of the study is due to the urgency of the problems of the modern logistics network of Ukraine, which affect the efficiency of production and trade processes. The article aims to analyze the main challenges faced by logistics infrastructure, including transport infrastructure, technological constraints, supply chain management, cargo movement and security. The article examines the impact of these problems on the country's economy, and in particular offers concrete solutions for solving many aspects of the logistics system of Ukraine. It serves as an important contribution to the understanding and solution of the problems of the modern logistics network and the perception of the further development of the country. It should be noted that logistics costs represent cash flows in real time and change within a time frame that is often incompatible with the production cycle transportation Logistics in the company should be based on the principles of integrity and the use of modern economic and mathematical methods for making optimal decisions. To successfully achieve the goal in the field of logistics, it is necessary to ensure close coordination and operational interaction of all divisions of the company. In solving the problem of risk, the provision of information is of primary importance, which reduces the level of uncertainty and makes it possible to justify this or that decision. In a company that has grown from a small business, often everyone does everything and it is impossible to find a person in charge, that is, there is no structuring according to which certain departments are strictly responsible for the performance of a narrow circle. tasks or even separate processes. In conditions of rapid development of information technologies, there is a natural need to study the peculiarities of the formation of the logistics process. An enterprise that seeks to support and increase development must be open to information coming from the external environment, primarily to information of strategic importance. At the same time, measures should be taken to hide information important to competitors.


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How to Cite
Samoday, V., Donskyi, M., & Rastova, K. (2024). PROBLEMS OF CURRENT LOGISTICS IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (60).