Keywords: car market, sales, analysis, forecast, development trends


The external business environment, especially in the car market, is changing rapidly due to the constant development of new technologies. Manufacturers and sellers of motor vehicles, as key participants in the market process, are obliged to respond to these global challenges. Accordingly, their strategies are focused on active innovation, development of technologically sustainable and environmentally safe products, as well as adaptation to specific regional conditions. It was determined that the car market is one of the most competitive among all industries. And accordingly, players in the automotive market need to constantly analyze the trends of possible changes in this market segment. It was determined that the global automotive market is characterized by constant fluctuations in sales and production volumes depending on economic conditions, changes in consumer demand and other factors. The global volume of car sales on the market in 2015-2022 was analyzed, which revealed a downward trend, the analysis shows different dynamics of car sales in different regions of the world during the analyzed period. The largest decline in sales on the global automobile market was observed in the region of North America, the smallest in Western Europe. Based on the existing data on car sales in the world from 2015 to 2022, a sales forecast until 2030 was built and it was established that stagnation of sales in the global car market is expected, due to market saturation, changes in consumer preferences, and economic conditions in the world. An analysis of the automobile market was made according to consumer preferences, which allowed us to identify the models of the company «Toyota» that were the most popular in terms of sales of new cars on the global car market. Recently, consumer preferences are shifting towards electric cars, which are known for their environmental friendliness, cost-effectiveness in terms of operation and innovative technologies, making them more attractive compared to traditional cars with internal combustion engines An analysis of the segments of the world automobile market was carried out by the main companies that produce top cars, which made it possible to assert that the company «Toyota» is a super powerful car manufacturer in the world.


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How to Cite
Myroshnychenko, G., Maryna, A., & Chernyshov, O. (2024). DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF THE GLOBAL CAR MARKET. Economy and Society, (59).