Keywords: cashless payments, cashless economy, digitalisation, electronic payments, electronic money


The article examines the process of digitalisation of cashless payments in Ukraine during the war, focusing on the key aspects and consequences of this phenomenon. It is noted that even in difficult conditions, such as armed aggression, digitalisation remains an urgent task, as it contributes to the efficient circulation of financial resources and the proper functioning of the country's economy. The digitalisation of cashless transactions involves the process of converting traditional financial and settlement transactions into a digital format using information technology and electronic systems, leading to improved efficiency, speed, and security. In the context of the war in Ukraine, the digitalisation of cashless payments is becoming an important component of the country's economic strategy. The study discusses the strategic shift towards minimising cash usage for streamlined operations, lower costs, and improved financial control. The main areas of digitalisation are highlighted, including electronic payment systems, contactless technologies, e-wallets, internet banking, digital cards, blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and artificial intelligence. The authors describe the impact of digitalisation processes on financial institutions and the economic situation in the country, including changes in the banking sector and the growth of cyber risks. The advantages and disadvantages of the cashless economy are identified, in particular, the increase in efficiency and convenience of payments, which may be accompanied by increased control by the state and financial institutions and cyber threats. The article analyses the development of cashless payments and the transition to a cashless economy in the world and in Ukraine. Ukraine demonstrates a high level of resilience of its financial system, even in times of war. The System of Electronic Payments (SEP) has proven to be reliable and efficient, ensuring uninterrupted payments. The importance of maintaining its stability was emphasised. The state and business should continue to actively promote the development of cashless payments, ensuring their safety and accessibility for citizens.


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How to Cite
Tyvonchuk , O., & Khusnullin, I. (2024). DIGITALIZATION OF CASHLESS PAYMETS IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (59).