Banking institutions are most often used to carry out the legalization of such criminal income. The involvement of banking institutions in the process of laundering "dirty" capital brings serious threats. Violation of anti-legalization legislation by the National Bank of Ukraine, as a regulator, leads to the application of measures of influence on the bank. As a result, the institution loses the trust of customers, which affects the level of profitability and financial stability. For banking institutions, the key is to develop strategies to assess and minimize the risks of legalization of "dirty" money. The banking sector plays a key role in the functioning mechanism of the economy. The spread of the phenomenon of legalization of criminal proceeds and the involvement of banks in such operations pose a threat to the financial stability of the state. In the context of the current economic situation in Ukraine, it is possible to identify a high risk of using banks for money laundering purposes. The article focuses on the relevance of the fight against terrorism and the legalization of proceeds obtained through crime. The banking system is identified as a key segment through which money laundering is carried out illegally. The dynamics of informing about financial transactions carried out by banking institutions are considered. The new rules of financial monitoring for the period of martial law are analyzed, in particular regarding financial transactions, which during this period do not require establishing the sources of origin of funds. Simplified procedures for the identification and verification of buyers of military bonds are also highlighted. The peculiarities of financial monitoring by banks during the time when their clients - natural persons - deposit cash into their current accounts are described. In particular, the case is considered when a client of the bank, who is an individual, deposits cash into the current account in an amount that meets or exceeds the established threshold of the financial transaction. The restoration of operations with expenses during the period of martial law without the requirement to establish the source of origin of these funds is also considered.
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