Keywords: іnternational transfer, enterprise, equipment, agricultural equipment, management, international activity, production, international cooperation, agricultural sector


An enterprise of any form of ownership at the stage of active development and stable entrepreneurial activity begins to expand economic ties and seeks to enter foreign markets. The trends of globalization in the world economy and informatization of society, which have recently become the most discussed topics among foreign and domestic scientists, have provoked not only the emergence of new globalized needs, their unification and universalization, made the consumer more informed and demanding in their choice, but also changed certain principles of consumption, increased society's fastidiousness to environmental friendliness, energy-saving qualities of goods, safety of consumption, etc. The article develops practical recommendations on the advantages and disadvantages of the supply of agricultural equipment in the context of in-depth international cooperation. The development of this strategy for the supply of agricultural equipment has certain features, it must take into account the laws, international standards, traditions of the countries, corporations and markets to which it is planned to enter.


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How to Cite
Gnylianska, L., Kis, M., & Bilous, Y. (2024). FEATURES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROJECTS IN THE AGRO-INDUSTRIAL SECTOR . Economy and Society, (59). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-59-102

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