The essence of the concepts "European identity", "national identity", basic European values: the rule of law, equality, respect for human dignity, respect for human rights, freedom and democracy have been considered. European values are not just a promise, they are laid down in agreements and engraved in the legislation and practice of life of the peoples of the European Union. National-constitutional identity is a civilizational brand, a legal and socio-cultural niche of the country, a defining basis of the state's foreign and domestic policy. The "Declaration of Human Responsibility" by Bohdan Havrylyshyn, a well-known scientist-economist of the International Institute of Management in Geneva, a member of "Plast", was studied. Famous personalities who continued the laws and guidelines of "Plast" - the National Scout Organization of Ukraine during the Russo-Ukrainian war, who gave their lives for the Independence of Ukraine, were analyzed, namely: Stepan Tarabalka, Viktor Gurnyak, Vitaly Derech, Bohdan Senyuk, Taras Havrylyshyn, Yevhen Podolyanchuk, Taras Davidyuk, Artem Dymid and others. A study of the problems and prospects for the development of memorial tourism in Ukraine and measures initiated by the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine, and local authorities was conducted. The relevance of the study is determined by the analysis of the causes and consequences of the transformation of the national identity of Ukrainians, historical milestones and the constant struggle for freedom and independence. Сonsidering the Russian-Ukrainian war, the question of the connection of generations, of courage, strength of spirit, stability and at the same time mercy and empathy of Ukrainians arises again. The task of the research: to determine the essence of national identity, national identity of Ukrainians, features of European values, conditions and consequences of the Revolution of Dignity, patriotic education of the National Scout Organization of Ukraine "Plast", foreign experience of post-war recovery, post-war recovery of tourism in Ukraine. In the research process, such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison and deduction are used.
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