The article is devoted to the study of modern features and functional load of financial and statistical analysis in the system of information support of consulting activities in the financial market. The article focuses on the transformation processes of the financial market functioning, which is associated with the processes of global digitalization. Accordingly, it is noted that the functioning of the modern financial market is impossible without the involvement of highly qualified specialists in various fields, and their employment, given the different scales of activity in the financial market, is not always economically feasible. It has been proven that financial and statistical analysis play a leading role in the information support system of consulting activities on the financial market. It is substantiated that the conditions of functioning of the modern financial market determine the need for various subjects of external specialized support - consulting. It is noted that the consulting services sector is growing rapidly around the world. The author emphasizes that today it is problematic to reliably estimate the size of the Ukrainian consulting services market and its share in the Ukrainian economy. It is proved that this is due to the lack of allocation of consulting as a separate type of activity in accordance with the State Classification of Economic Activities in Ukraine. Accordingly, it is proposed to allocate consulting as an independent type of activity in the State Classification of Economic Activities in Ukraine with detailing in accordance with international approaches. The purpose of the article is to study the current features and functional load of financial and statistical analysis in the system of information support for consulting activities in the financial market. The activity of small agribusinesses in the financial market is complicated due to the insufficient level of human, financial, technical support, and digital divide, which necessitates the development of advisory services in this area with state support. Areas for further research include scientific substantiation, organizational and methodological support for consulting and advisory activities in agribusiness in the context of financial market development.
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