Keywords: labour, remuneration, payroll, pre-school education institutions, public sector, salary structure, salary calculation, withholding, payment of salary


Labour and its remuneration are always relevant and urgent issues, since the standard of living of the population directly depends on this. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of labour accounting and to determine their impact on the amount of remuneration, and to summarize the legislative and regulatory grounds for calculating the basic, additional and other incentive and compensation components of remuneration in preschool education institutions. The research was carried out using general scientific methods: logical, systematic, induction, deduction, analysis, as well as methods of theoretical generalisation, grouping and classification; the results of the research are presented using the graphical method. The article examines the legal requirements for regulating labour accounting and remuneration in preschool education institutions. It also analyses the indicators that directly affect the accounting of labour of employees of preschool education institutions, in particular: age periodisation of preschool education; occupancy of groups and categories of pupils; participants in the educational process; weekly teaching load of teachers, etc. and establishes their direct impact on the methodology of calculating wages in the preschool system. The procedure and peculiarities of calculating wages for employees of preschool education institutions are described in detail in terms of determining the basic amount of wages, allowances, surcharges, possible bonuses and other payments. The paper emphasises the unsatisfactory financial situation of employees of preschool institutions, as their salaries are half the average level of wages in Ukraine. The publication summarises the organisational and methodological principles of accounting for payroll in preschool education institutions, namely: primary registers of personnel and working time use; synthetic accounts for accrual, deductions and payment of wages; basic accounting entries; consolidated accounting registers; features of analytical accounting; the procedure for reporting operations on accrual of wages and deductions from it. The practical significance of the results obtained is to generalise the peculiarities of labour accounting and to establish their impact on the amount of remuneration for the calculation of the basic, additional and other incentive and compensation components of remuneration in preschool education institutions, which will allow future researchers and practitioners to use the results already obtained by the authors of this work.


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How to Cite
Puhachenko , O., Zarudna, N., & Kundeus , O. (2024). ACCOUNTING FOR LABOUR AND ITS REMUNERATION IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Economy and Society, (59).