The article investigated the conditions and patterns of investment support and the modernization of infrastructure enterprises. Infrastructure enterprises in modern conditions face new needs in ensuring competitiveness and safety, forming the quality of services, innovation, and efficiency. These challenges show that some problems remain unresolved in the transport industry that hinders its strategic development. The effectiveness of solving these problems is designed by the scale and efficiency of investment support for the modernization process and the availability of new innovative technologies. Thus, in the structure of investments in the national economic system in 2020, infrastructure enterprises account for only 10.8%; Diagnostics of the objectivity of modernization has shown a steady trend of investing intangible assets (95% on average by industry), which indicates a low innovation and intellectual activity of modernization of enterprises. The analysis shows the technical and technological nature of modernization changes in infrastructure enterprises since only 33% of investments are investments in the technical updating of machines and equipment. Thus, the main conditions for innovative and investment support for the modernization of infrastructure enterprises include inconsistency in technological structuring; social disparities between incomes in the public and private sectors and in certain sectors; technical direction of modernization and lack of effective innovative transformation of management technologies; reforming the public sector through foreign financing; the introduction of electronic institutional regulation; high tax rates; regional-territorial reform. Modernization should be a tool not only for technical updating and increasing profits, but also for systemic transformation of development processes in the enterprise, adaptation to changes in the environment, and increasing competitiveness in markets. The main vectors for the modernization of the infrastructure sphere are international integration and increasing the corresponding competitiveness.
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