In the conditions of enemy aggression towards our state, the threat to the economic security of enterprises becomes obvious, and it is important to find ways to ensure it in conditions of uncertainty. Business adaptation plays a key role in this process and can be assessed using specific tools that rebalance the business system. The article considers methods of quantitative measurement of business adaptation to conditions of uncertainty as a factor of economic security, as well as real tools used in this process. The article presents the relationship between economic security and adaptation of enterprises to the effects of external disturbing factors. The analysis of the evolution of the concept of "adaptation" through the prism of the concept of "BANI-world" is also considered. The measures used by enterprises to get out of the crisis are analyzed, which are divided into developmental and forced actions. The business activity of enterprises in the regional section and changes in the rating of business activity are considered. The main tools of adaptation and preservation of positions of Ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses in the conditions of war have been identified. Nowadays, with the threat of a full-scale enemy invasion, Ukraine faces challenges such as economic impact, loss of labor, social tensions, threats to life and health, and a general increase in the degree of uncertainty. Events in one part of the world affect decisions in another, and military actions in Ukraine are no exception, they reverberated widely throughout the world. Uncertainty about the future is becoming the norm for everyone in Ukraine, including business owners. The analysis shows that the business quickly adapts to new conditions and can even increase its volume during the war period. However, the deepening of internal problems, new regulatory requirements, tax regulations, demographic changes, shortage of energy resources and their cost, market shifts lead to a deterioration of the business climate, which can lead to the termination of operations of enterprises or their transfer abroad. Therefore, the study of the phenomenon of adaptation of Ukrainian business to complex conditions of uncertainty is extremely relevant and can contribute to forecasting the further development of the economy and entrepreneurship, including its renewal.
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