This article discusses in detail the mobile application "Diya" as an innovative tool for implementing the concept of e-governance in Ukraine. The analysis of the prerequisites for its creation allows us to determine the strategic direction for the development of electronic administrative services in the country, in particular, the transition to a digital environment carried out by the authorities to improve the quality and speed of providing services to citizens. The main functionality of the Diya app is highlighted taking into account modern requirements for ensuring effective communication between citizens and government agencies. Innovative solutions that are used to maximize automation and ensure the security of information exchange between citizens and government agencies are also considered. In the context of martial law, a special emphasis on the usability of the Diya app becomes very important. In times of crisis, automation capabilities are considered critical because they provide efficient and fast access to critical administrative services. The analysis of automation capabilities includes an assessment of the system's readiness for high loads and the ability to quickly respond to changes in the requirements of citizens during emergency situations. In terms of interaction with citizens and authorities, you can also consider the importance of an open community for collecting feedback. During martial law, it becomes not only a tool for identifying difficulties and user wishes, but also a means of quickly responding to current problems and implementing necessary changes to improve the functioning of the application. In its interaction with the authorities, Diya reflect not only positive aspects, but also challenges that arise in the context of a military conflict. It is important to analyze how the app is perceived by citizens in a stressful environment and whether the interaction between different levels of government is successful during crisis situations. A general analysis of the aspects allows us to better understand the effectiveness of the Diia app under martial law.
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