Keywords: credit management of the bank, households, bank lending, digital innovations, banking institutions, credit services market, housing construction, construction enterprises, financial mechanism


The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and practical foundations of the development of housing construction as a significant component of ensuring the fundamental development of the national economy and preserving its sovereignty. The leading role of housing construction in ensuring proper maintenance and development of the housing stock and performing the social function of the state in terms of life support for the population is substantiated. It is proved that the development of housing construction should be aimed at maximizing the use of the latest innovative technologies that can ensure a combination of such significant components as its accessibility, functionality, quality and safety. It is established that there is a direct relationship between the level of providing the population with housing stock, the demographic situation, labour productivity of the population, pace of development of the real sector of the economy, and effective functioning of the national economy. The research has shown the ability of the banking system to form the necessary financial potential to ensure the development of housing construction by activating bank lending to households. The generalization of scientific approaches in terms of studying the semantic profile of the scientific category “credit mechanism” is carried out, which formed the opportunity to offer our own approach to the interpretation of the definition “bank lending mechanism for housing development” as a system of financial relations between all participants involved in the lending process to housing construction aimed at meeting common financial interests and updating the housing stock. The author’s approach to developing the mechanism of bank lending for the development of housing construction in Ukraine is proposed, which is based on close interaction between all its participants, the key ones among which are: the state, banking institutions, business entities in the housing construction sector, insurance companies, as well as households. It is proved that practical implementation of the proposed mechanism will stimulate the activity of the country’s financial system, improve the pace of renewal and the level of providing the population with housing stock, and contribute to the formation of the potential for the development of the national economy.


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