Keywords: organization management, risks, crisis phenomena, martial law, anti-crisis measures


The problem of management of organizations in crisis situations is extremely important and relevant, since it is management, as one of the integral functions of any organized socio-economic system, which is called to ensure the preservation and development of the system, requiring the adaptation of the organization to the new environment and, accordingly, a change in logic and principles its functioning. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of crisis phenomena on the organization's management, to identify key opportunities for its sustainable development, as well as to develop proposals for adaptation and optimization of management in response to the current challenges of martial law conditions. The main trends that occurred in the field of management of organizations under the influence of crisis phenomena related to the global financial and economic crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and hostilities in Ukraine are summarized. The authors emphasize that effective proactive risk management allows enterprises not only to prevent crises, but also to create more sustainable structures that can effectively optimize the use of opportunities and reduce threats, ensuring a higher level of competitiveness and stability. It has been proven that the danger of a crisis always exists, therefore it is very important for the managers of the organization to diagnose the signs of crisis situations and evaluate the possibilities of their resolution. The work emphasizes the strengthening in the conditions of martial law not only of the risks of unprofitability and bankruptcy of organizations, but also real threats to its functioning, reduction, suspension of activities or complete loss of property and all resources. It was determined that overcoming the modern crisis is a management process, the success of which is determined by the strategic matching of the complexity of the management object and the state of the external environment, the adaptation of organizations to the force majeure challenges of the war through the implementation of non-standard solutions in anti-crisis measures. Management improvement directions aimed at improving the efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of the organization in the modern business environment are proposed, taking into account the changes and challenges it faces in the conditions of martial law. Further study of martial law crises and their consequences will help identify best practices and provide important lessons for future action. All these aspects of the research will contribute to the further development of anti-crisis management and increase the efficiency of enterprises in responding to the challenges of the modern business environment.


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How to Cite
Prodius, O., & Adirova, T. (2023). FEATURES OF THE MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATIONS IN THE CONDITIONS OF GLOBALIZATION RISKS AND CRISIS PHENOMENA. Economy and Society, (58). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-58-61