The activity of banking institutions is inextricably linked with various types of risks, losses from which can affect not only the financial stability of specific banks, but also the general economic situation in the country and even in the world, which is illustrated by the current financial crisis. Thus, the development of an effective financial risk management system of a commercial bank becomes an important task of both scientific research and practical implementation. Inefficient management of banking risks, in particular credit risks, increases the probability of incurring losses, including the loss of invested funds. This requires an increased quality of risk analysis and assessment, which must meet the requirements of the country's regulatory authorities and ensure the appropriate optimization of the ratio of banks' risks and income. The management of credit risks is regulated by international documents adopted by the Senior Supervisory Group and the Committee of European Banking Supervisors, which emphasize the value of managing credit risks not only at the level of individual banks but also at the level of the banking system. In 2018, the National Bank of Ukraine adopted the Regulation «On the Organization of Risk Management System in Banks of Ukraine and Banking Groups», which forms the basis of the bank's risk management system. For managing credit risk at the level of a banking institution, bank management traditionally employs a fairly wide range of methods, which is supplemented and modified with the emergence of innovative financial instruments. The main goal of the research is to investigate the current state of credit risk in the banking system of Ukraine. The article analyzes the state of credit risk management by Ukrainian banking institutions, including taking into account the peculiarities of martial law. The statistical method was used in the research. The dynamics of non-performing loans in the banking sector in Ukraine as a whole, and in the context of state-owned, private and foreign-owned banks is analyzed. The dynamics of the share of NPL in the loan portfolio of the banking sector is analyzed. It is substantiated that credit risk standards are within the limits established by the regulator. The list of the top 10 banks with the highest credit risk, two of which are classified as systemically important banks in Ukraine, in accordance with the provisions of the NBU regulations, is displayed. The necessity of applying measures to minimize the credit risk of institutions in the banking system is substantiated.
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