In recent decades, the world has seen a growing trend toward digital transformation of virtually all areas of human activity: production, education, public administration, everyday life, etc. Digitalization makes it possible to ensure high quality and usefulness in a wide variety of activities, including: ordering products and services via the Internet; remote work (freelancing); electronic banking; distance education; e-government; automated design, production and sales of products; artificial intelligence in the management of mechanisms, objects, systems, and much more. The purpose of the study is to define the essence of the concept of "digitalization", Ukraine's place in the world ranking in terms of the level and speed of integration of digital technologies at Ukrainian enterprises, to reflect their impact on the business process management system, to identify strengths and weaknesses and obstacles that may arise when implementing digitalization technologies in the enterprise management system. Digitalization of business processes is the process of implementing and using digital technologies to automate, optimize and improve business processes. This process allows companies to increase the efficiency of their operations and increase their competitiveness. Digitalization includes the use of new software, IT technologies, web services and other tools. The article presents the dynamics of the level of digitalization in the world and in Ukraine. The use of information and communication technologies by domestic enterprises is studied. Successful digitalization of enterprises involves the introduction of one or several technologies at once. The advantages and weaknesses of the implementation of digital technologies at domestic enterprises are presented. It is substantiated that the identification of new directions for the development of enterprises through digitalization is a priority task due to current challenges. Existing communication lines, dynamic systems, outdated technologies, and recent standard solutions are no longer suitable. In the face of constant change, they need an element of innovative development. The driving force behind these changes should be digitalization, which will allow business structures to reach a new level of development.
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