Keywords: personalization, marketing, marketing strategies, customer satisfaction level, customer loyalty


The aim of the scientific research is to determine the essence of personalized marketing and its impact on customer loyalty. The features of personalization as a key element in creating a deep connection between brands and consumers are outlined. Special attention is given to marketing strategies for managing customer loyalty. The main tools for assessing the effectiveness of personalization are presented, including the collection and analysis of customer data, the development of individualized marketing strategies, the formation of personalized commercial offers, and monitoring their impact on customer satisfaction levels. Personalization in marketing gains significance in response to current market trends and changes in consumer expectations. With the development of technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence, companies adapt their strategies to create more targeted communications, strengthening their competitiveness and customer loyalty. This is important for forming effective marketing strategies and building close relationships between companies and clients. The research methodology combines theoretical analysis, market trend analysis, and statistical analysis. The article reviews scientific publications and articles to establish a theoretical basis, then moves to studying modern trends in marketing with a focus on the role of personalization. Specific examples of companies that have implemented personalization in their marketing strategies are considered. The article examines the critical role of personalization in marketing strategies aimed at supporting and increasing customer loyalty. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of innovation in marketing approaches. It is noted that the effectiveness of personalized marketing depends on a strong internal structure of the company that supports strategies and resource development. Coordination allows the company to effectively respond to market changes and adapt its strategies to customer needs. Flexibility in decision-making is recognized as key in enabling the enterprise to quickly adapt to changing conditions and consumer demands.


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