Keywords: market, organic produce, environmentally friendly production, organic production, categories of organic produce, organic produce market


The relevance of researching the organic produce market, both its theoretical and practical foundations, is justified by the increasing global interest in a healthy lifestyle, the growing demand for organic products, the necessity of preserving and restoring the natural environment, and the significant potential of domestic agriculture for organic production and gaining key positions in the international market. The goal of the presented article is to distinguish the concepts of 'organic production,' 'environmentally friendly production,' 'natural production,' 'bio-production,' and to establish a theoretical basis for the functioning of the organic produce market. During the research, methods of induction and deduction, abstraction and specification, comparison and systematization were employed to clarify the essence of key concepts. The graphical method was used for a visual representation of the research results. The article suggests the expediency of using a single, legislatively established term "organic production" to avoid misunderstandings and falsification, informational and statistical chaos, and obstacles for the effective study and regulation of the organic produce market. The requirements for organic production in Ukraine and worldwide are specified. Criteria for classifying products as organic are highlighted. Categories of organic production (100% organic, organic, made with organic ingredients, less than 75% organic) are characterized in terms of their main features, production, and labeling. It is noted that certification of organic production in Ukraine is carried out by representatives of 12 organizations from the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, etc., in accordance with EU and US standards. The economic, environmental, and social advantages of organic production over traditional agricultural production are assessed. Key principles of organic production regarding health, ecology, justice, and care are identified. The article determines the advantages, specificity, and obstacles for the development of the domestic organic produce market. A promising direction for further scientific research should be considered the determination of parameters for the competitiveness of organic produce.


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How to Cite
Kozhushko, P. (2023). ORGANIC PRODUCE MARKET: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS. Economy and Society, (57).