Keywords: current assets, current liabilities, working capital, financial analysis of the enterprise, balance sheet


The modern Ukrainian agro-industrial sector is going through extremely difficult times caused by the military conflict and financial instability in the country. In such conditions, enterprises must actively work on maintaining the efficiency and sustainability of their activities. One of the key aspects of the successful management of an agribusiness is an objective assessment of financial and economic activity. For example, studying the experience of «KERNEL-TRADE» LLC, which is a definite leader in the field of supply of agricultural products on the world market, confirms the importance of effective management of current assets. Enterprises should focus on the strategy of financial recovery, focusing on the optimization of current assets. In particular, resolving issues related to receivables becomes an important step in improving the financial condition of the enterprise. An important element of current asset management is the development of effective strategies for increasing the turnover of funds and optimizing stocks. This will ensure flexibility of financial flows and maximize profitability. The development of personnel potential is also important in the management of current assets. The skills and competencies of employees in the field of finance, logistics and analytics are important for the effective implementation of strategies for managing current assets. Effective management of current assets in modern conditions is a key factor for ensuring the stability and profitability of agro-industrial enterprises. Recommendations on the development of strategies for financial recovery and improvement of management of current assets can contribute to solving difficulties and strengthening the positions of enterprises in difficult conditions of economic instability. The management of current assets must be considered as a complex process, including not only effective work with financial indicators, but also the development of strategic partnerships and the introduction of modern technologies. Management of current assets is not just a necessary element of financial management, but also a strategic step in the direction of sustainable development of the enterprise. It is important to remember the constant monitoring and analysis of financial processes for prompt identification and elimination of possible problems.


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How to Cite
Taranenko, O., & Cherep, A. (2023). EFFICIENCY OF USE OF CURRENT ASSETS BY AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (57). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-57-80

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