The article is devoted to the study of trends in the development of entrepreneurial structures in general and regionally before the full-scale invasion, as well as to clarifying the situation with the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine during martial law. Entrepreneurship is the most important element of the market economy, which stimulates the intensive development of the state and largely determines the pace of its economic growth, the size, quality and structure of the gross national product. The method of critical analysis of scientific and methodical literature, official statistical data, and practical experience is applied in the scientific research, according to the requirements for the level of research methodology and technique. The choice of specific research methods depends on the conditions and purpose of the research. Methods are an ordered system in which their place is determined according to a specific stage of research, the use of technical techniques and work with theoretical information and certain facts in a given sequence. The article examines the concept of business structure, highlights the main categories of business entities, and analyzes the main indicators of business structures in Ukraine in 2010-2021. The dynamics of active business structures in Ukraine by size and types of economic activity are presented. The peculiarities of the development of business structures in the section of the largest regions of Ukraine before the full-scale invasion are defined and reflected. The total amount of damage, losses and losses to the economy of Ukraine since the beginning of full-scale military operations has been analyzed. It was noted that almost all branches of the economy were able to reorganize for military needs, relocated, and the country's economy continues to function. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that business structures play a significant role in the formation and development of the economy of Ukraine. Despite the fact that almost all sectors of the economy suffered during the war and have a problems, the country's economy continues to function.
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