The object of the study is a set of theoretical, methodological and applied aspects regarding the development of biogas production projects at solid household waste landfills. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the development of strategic directions for the development of biogas production from household waste. The purpose of the study is to develop a set of recommendations for improving planning strategies for the development of biogas production from solid household waste. The theoretical and methodological basis of this study are the following methods and techniques: dialectical and abstract-logical; monographic; statistical; comparison, grouping, graphic, etc. The methodological basis of the research is the basic provisions of economic theory, scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists on this subject, legislative and regulatory acts of Ukraine. It was determined that the creation of regional bioenergy clusters contributes to the development of innovativeness of the agricultural sector, which in turn is a mechanism for transforming the factor-oriented model of the country's economy into a more progressive, innovation-oriented one. It was determined that one of the primary tasks of local councils is to resolve the issue of disposal and processing of waste at solid household waste landfills. It was established that the development of rural areas on the basis of the green economy is an important part of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, which strengthens the social, ecological and economic sustainability of rural areas. It was determined that one of the main directions of increasing the efficiency of the energy supply process is the purification of biogas from impurities to obtain full-fledged biomethane, which can be used as fuel for cogeneration plants and internal combustion gas engines, or for traditional consumption by the population through the national gas transport system or sale in liquefied form. It was established that for the successful implementation of the practice of effective community waste management, proposals were developed taking into account the successful Ukrainian cases of individual communities, as well as taking into account the energy direction – the production of RDF fuel and biogas - which is especially relevant today when there is a shortage of energy resources in communities due to constant military attacks on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine.
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