Keywords: innovative projects, digitalization, strategy, tourist enterprise, hotel enterprise, crisis, anti-crisis management, risks, investments, efficiency


The article is devoted to the justification of the processes of implementation and implementation of innovative development projects of tourism and hotel business entities. Currently, the situation in Ukraine is a crisis, connected, firstly, with overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, and secondly, with the needs of adaptation, survival and development in the conditions of martial law. Therefore, innovations are considered as tools of anti-crisis management. The main indicators reflecting the development of tourism and hotel business entities (2021-2023) were considered - the amount of tax payments and the level of occupancy of hotels in the main destinations of Ukraine (Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Bukovel). Despite a certain decline in 2022 compared to the pre-war period, most indicators in 2023 show an increasing trend. It was concluded that these subjects have the potential for innovative development. The process of implementation and implementation of an innovative project by subjects of the tourism and hotel business is schematically presented, where the main stages are highlighted: creation, production, promotion, which are aimed at achieving the goal of increasing the efficiency of the business subject. Structured innovative projects for tourism and hotel business entities should be considered in the following directions: 1) food; 2) improving the product; 3) operating rooms; 4) administrative. One of the important stages of the implementation of innovative projects is the determination of performance indicators, which are grouped by marketing, operational and investment spheres. Taking into account the current situation, it is important to take into account possible risks that may relate to military, market, economic, technical, and environmental aspects for the success of innovation. Among the currently relevant innovations are those related to digitalization (mobile applications, social networks, artificial intelligence, blockchain). A conclusion was made about the necessity and effectiveness of the implementation and implementation of innovative projects by subjects of the tourism and hotel business. This will affect their strategic prospects and increase competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Okhrimenko, A., & Antonenko, I. (2023). INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS SUBJECTS OF THE HOTEL BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (57).