The purpose of the article is to determine the basic requirements for the effective construction of information flows in the system of accounting and analytical management support and to determine the measures to protect the enterprise from the leakage of confidential information. This direction of economic activity is relevant for any enterprise, as it will allow to provide practical recommendations for the creation of an information-backed economic security management system. The research was conducted using the monographic method. The article singles out the main requirements for information management of the enterprise's economic security system and substantiates the need for their compliance at the enterprise. The authors established that the main part of the information necessary for management is formed in the accounting system of the enterprise and requires analytical processing. The accounting department must comply with confidentiality requirements when working with information. The main aspects of the formation of information flows in the system of economic security of the enterprise are determined in order to develop, in the future, recommendations for minimizing the risks of intentional or unintentional distortion of information. It was established that modern conditions of economic activity require the creation of an information-backed management system. It has been proven that for the practical implementation of the task of protecting confidential information, it is first necessary to establish rules for its preservation at the enterprise, with which the responsible employees of the enterprise must be familiarized. The authors proposed a number of measures to protect the enterprise from the leakage of confidential information. Special attention is paid to personnel management as a key factor in ensuring an effective system of forming information flows within the enterprise. The article contains practical tips and recommendations that can be useful to business entities in the process of building an information-backed management system. It emphasizes the importance of information provision and information security for effective management decision-making.
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