Keywords: domestic tourism, pandemic, COVID-19, problems, scenarios


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant problems for the development of the world economy, as well as sharply halted international travel and significantly worsened the situation of the tourism sector, which for many countries is the main source of employment, budget revenues and foreign exchange earnings. At the same time, the transformation of tourist demand in a pandemic creates opportunities for the development of domestic tourism in many countries and regions, the study of which is an important area of research. The article deals with the analysis of the tourist sphere in Ukraine and the world tendencies of development in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the definition of perspective directions of development of domestic tourism, in particular in Ukraine. The research used such methods as analysis and synthesis, generalization, modeling, forecasting, historical, systemic and statistical. The impact of the pandemic on the development of tourism in the past is considered and the state of the tourism sector in the world and individual countries in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is studied. The measures taken in different countries of the world to stimulate the development of domestic tourism in a pandemic are analyzed. The current state of the tourist sphere of Ukraine in the conditions of crisis is studied. The problems that hinder the development of domestic tourism in Ukraine are highlighted: the lack of systematic interaction, partnership between the subjects of the tourism industry; inconsistency of quality and price of services; inadequate level of transport accessibility and security of destinations; tourists often choose amateur tourism to travel around the country. Three scenarios for the development of the domestic tourism market in Ukraine in 2021 are proposed - optimistic, realistic and pessimistic. It is established that the forecasts of domestic tourism development in Ukraine also significantly depend on the situation with pandemic restrictions in the main destination countries of tourist flows from Ukraine. The results of the study can be used as recommendations for public authorities and local governments, tourism enterprises and organizations to organize tourism activities in a pandemic and after its completion.


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How to Cite
Grafska, O., Pidvalna, O., & Bodnarchuk, K. (2021). PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DOMESTIC TOURISM DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Economy and Society, (25).