Keywords: strategy, development, goals, tasks, external environment, resources, enterprise, war


The study revealed that the current realities of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine make it necessary for enterprises not only to adapt to the turbulent Ukrainian business environment, but also to intensify the processes of developing a long-term development strategy. It has been established that the enterprise development strategy is clearly thought-out goals and objectives, the achievement of which will be ensured by the formed volumes of resource potential and taking into account the competitive positions of the economic entity on the market of products or services. It was determined that an important role in the economic development of the enterprise belongs to personnel policy, which is based on the selection of personnel with appropriate qualifications, their development at the enterprise and the application of motivation for more productive work at workplaces. The complexity of developing a functional strategy for the development of an enterprise is reduced to the application of various methodological approaches, which are used to adjust the strategic goals and objectives of the enterprise to changes in the external environment. The goals must correspond to the mission of the business entity, its strategic concept. A functional strategy should be focused both on immediate tasks and on the long-term success of the enterprise. This reflects the need for a balance between current requirements and strategic planning for future development. It is substantiated that the functional development strategy is a road map of the enterprise, which helps it to understand in which direction it is necessary to move, which tasks are prioritized and in which terms they must be solved. It helps to focus on achieving the set goals and allows you to get the results of the implementation of such goals faster and more efficiently. Thus, in order to take into account the modern realities of military operations on the territory of the state, the process of forming an enterprise's development strategy should be based on constant monitoring of changes in the external environment and, in accordance with their dynamism, adjust the enterprise's goals and objectives aimed at achieving its mission. Managers and specialists operating in a fast-changing environment must possess management methods and tools in situations of general disorganization and unpredictability of the external business environment.


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How to Cite
Buhaichuk, V., Kryvulskyi, Y., & Hliuza, K. (2023). FORMATION OF THE STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR. Economy and Society, (56).