Currently modern Ukrainian society is experiencing rapid and unpredictable transformations. The ever-increasing number of social threats that exist for Ukraine, including full-scale invasion and economic instability, endangers the country's social security. In the conditions of martial law, poorly protected categories of the population become even more vulnerable, especially young people feel a strong negative impact. In these conditions, the analysis of social security of young people is relevant to improve their well-being and future. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to identify the problems and challenges that arise for young people during military conflicts, as well as to substantiate the ways of improving the social security of young people in Ukraine under martial law. The paper analyzes the existing approaches to the selection of research levels of social security. It has been proven that it is expedient to study social security in terms of four levels. The four-level model allows to identify key components of social security and analyze them in the context of interactions between levels. It also allows to separately consider the problems and prospects of the development of each specific level. This is especially important in the conditions of economic, political and social instability, which is characteristic of modern Ukraine in the period of full-scale military operations and martial law. The nano-level of this model, at which human social security is considered, becomes important because conflicts and wars generate numerous threats and risks for citizens. The threats that are common to the entire population of Ukraine in the conditions of war are given. Special attention is paid to the problems of social security of youth. Literary sources that highlight the results of sociological research on the situation of young people in the conditions of a full-scale invasion are analyzed. The main problems of social security of youth during martial law are summarized. The martial law situation poses significant challenges for the young generation in terms of adaptation and survival. This highlights the importance of implementing a comprehensive approach to protecting and supporting their rights and needs. A number of measures are recommended to improve the social security of young people under martial law.
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