Keywords: economic policy, post-war recovery, stimulation of economic development, macroeconomic stabilization, international support


The peculiarities of functioning of the national economy under martial law are analyzed. The author reveals the content of the main macroeconomic problems facing the economy under martial law, including a significant deformation of the structure of aggregate supply and aggregate demand, a deep crisis in the labor market, physical destruction of infrastructure and assets, loss of markets by Ukrainian exporting enterprises, disruption of economic ties, destruction of logistics routes, and disruption of value chains. The issue of post-war recovery and development of the Ukrainian economy is the subject of various discussions. The direction of Ukraine's economic recovery should take into account the latest geopolitical, economic and institutional dimensions. It is proved that one of the most important macroeconomic challenges for Ukraine's economy is its heavy dependence on imports, which leads to a growing trade deficit and threatens macroeconomic stability. It is determined that the creation of a new model of Ukraine's economic development after the end of hostilities should take into account the conditions of socio-economic development in the context of global competition. It is established that from the standpoint of realizing the interests of national interests, it is important for the state to stimulate the realization of the entrepreneurial potential of domestic production through deepening deregulation, expanding lending and providing support for entering foreign markets. It is determined that the transition to the stabilization and development of the national economy usually takes place in several stages. At the first stage, the basis for a sustainable peaceful functioning of the economy is formed. The next stage is characterized by the restoration of institutions and infrastructure and the laying of the foundation for reconstruction and modernization. The next stage, which lasts three to five years, is extremely difficult and is designed to put the national economy on a sustainable growth trajectory. The author proves that Ukraine is in need of an economic policy of balanced protectionism, active support for entrepreneurship, economic restructuring, and stimulation of high-tech exports. Such a policy will also require a significant deepening of the validity of the tools for implementing government measures aimed at stimulating postwar economic recovery.


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How to Cite
Shtan, M. (2023). ECONOMIC POLICY TO STIMULATE POST-WAR RECOVERY. Economy and Society, (56).