Keywords: social enterprises, social entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence, innovations, logistics


The article examines the specifics of using innovative technologies of artificial intelligence in modern business processes. The features of the use of artificial intelligence in the activities of social enterprises, which aim not only to ensure profit, but also to solve the current social and environmental problems of society, are determined. It has been proven that logistics plays an important role in the functioning of social enterprises, since effective management of logistics processes allows to achieve sustainability and optimization of their activities. The influence of innovative technologies of artificial intelligence on logistics management in the context of social enterprises is studied. Various aspects of the use of artificial intelligence in logistics are considered, including the automation of production processes, demand forecasting, route optimization and inventory planning. The advantages that can arise as a result of the introduction of innovative technologies are identified, in particular, such as reducing costs, increasing the efficiency of the enterprise and improving the level of customer service. The social impact of the use of innovative artificial intelligence technologies in the logistics of social enterprises is considered. The possibility of increasing transparency and responsibility in the production process, which contributes to the preservation of natural resources and the social well-being of society, has been determined. The importance of a balanced approach to the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies to ensure social responsibility and sustainable development of the business entity has been studied. Challenges and obstacles that may arise during the implementation of innovative artificial intelligence technologies in the logistics processes of social enterprises are considered. The importance of taking into account ethical aspects and transparency in data processing, as well as the need to guarantee that innovative technologies serve the interests of society and do not lead to social disparities, have been proven. The practical aspects of the successful implementation of artificial intelligence in the logistics of social enterprises in different countries have been studied. The key factors for the success of such an implementation are identified and the ways to overcome potential difficulties are clarified. It has been proven that innovative artificial intelligence technologies can be a powerful tool for improving the logistics management of social enterprises, which also allows achieving a higher level of sustainability and impact on society. Practical measures for the implementation of technological innovations in this area are proposed.


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