The article examines the role of the United States in the formation of the world economy and its influence on the global economic order. It is economic development and the formation of stable international relations that are important components of the country's prosperity and the prolongation of its leadership positions in the international arena. The global leadership of the USA is formed from such elements: political component (the USA is one of the most influential states in the world, which, having a powerful political influence, cooperates with many countries of the world to solve global problems and conflicts); economic component (the country has one of the largest economies in the world, which affects global markets, international trade, and investments; the USA is a key player in world business and finance); cultural component (American culture, including cinema, music, literature, and other artistic manifestations, has a wide influence and is a symbol of globality); scientific and technological component (the USA is a leader in the field of science, technology, and innovation, which contributes to their influence on the development of technological progress in the world). The article examines the economic component of the formation of the USA leadership positions (GDP dynamics; GDP per capita level; unemployment rate; economy structure; the country's participation in international trade; and the development of TNCs, which influence both the dynamics of international trade and the attraction of direct investment in the country’s economy; formation of the country's foreign trade policy; participation in international organizations). US global leadership helps set international standards, makes it a major player in solving international problems, and promotes stability and development at the global level. In addition, the responsibility for global leadership also imposes duties and obligations on the US to solve global challenges and maintain cooperation with other countries to achieve a stable world policy.
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