Keywords: corporate culture, enterprise, development, changes, business environment


The article is devoted to issues of the formation and development of a corporate culture of domestic enterprises in the conditions of a dynamic business environment. The authors considered the main theoretical issues of creating a corporate culture at enterprises, studied the history of the concept of corporate culture, and determined its purpose and functions. It is noted that a high level of corporate culture has a positive effect on the company's image, the establishment of effective communication, allows for the creation of unified corporate values, increases individual and collective responsibility, etc. With-it modern conditions, corporate culture becomes a competitive advantage for any enterprise, a tool for conducting successful business, and a guarantor of stable growth. It is proposed to define the corporate culture of the enterprise as a set of rules, procedures, and recommendations that all employees should follow in their activities. Four levels of corporate culture formation are defined: enterprise management, human resources management, a system of moral principles, traditions, habits, and the actual level of corporate culture. The analysis of the concept of corporate culture and the process of its implementation in the activities of Ukrainian enterprises made it possible to identify external and internal factors that should be taken into account in the formation of corporate culture, and they were also characterized. In the process of the research, shortcomings were identified in the formation of the corporate culture of domestic enterprises, which are grouped according to such areas as flexibility and mobility, motivation of activity, communication, and professional growth. An action plan has been developed to improve the corporate culture of domestic enterprises, taking into account the identified shortcomings. This program contains a set of measures, persons responsible for their implementation, implementation dates, and costs. A conclusion was made about the importance and necessity of continuous improvement of corporate culture at domestic enterprises for the sake of business growth even in the conditions of changes and challenges of the external environment.


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