Keywords: financial innovations, technologies, financial services, innovative transformations, transformation, digitalization, strategies


фінансові інноваціїDigital transformation has become a necessary factor for improving innovation management in various industries, including banking. This scientific study substantiates the role of digital transformation in increasing the efficiency of innovation management processes in banks. Digital transformation includes the introduction of the latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, data analytics, and others that are revolutionizing banking. It allows banks to improve internal management processes, ensure higher accuracy of decision-making and improve the quality of customer service. Digital transformation is also driving innovation in the banking sector. It allows banks to easily interact with fintech companies and startups, develop new financial products and services, and changes the way they communicate with customers through mobile applications and online platforms. All this contributes to increasing the competitiveness of banks and allows them to adapt more quickly to changing market conditions. Thus, digital transformation plays an important role in improving innovation management in the banking sector, helping banks maintain their competitive advantage and meet the needs of modern customers. This topic also explores the impact of digital transformation on the innovation management process in modern organizations. With the introduction of the latest technologies and digital strategies, approaches to the creation and implementation of innovative solutions are changing. Key aspects of digital transformation are analyzed, such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and the Internet of Things, which contribute to accelerating the product development cycle and improving innovation management strategies. The study also examines the challenges that arise when implementing digital initiatives in the context of innovation management and offers recommendations for effectively addressing these challenges. The research results can serve as a basis for the development of digital transformation strategies aimed at optimizing innovation management processes and increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in the conditions of a rapidly changing business environment.


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